My name is Ceylon Niko Chang. I am a 19y/o artist located in Brooklyn, NY. I specialize mostly in painting, however recently I have been experimenting in pen drawings which I hope to develop a style in that I can continue using and perhaps turn into digital works. In the future I would also like to experiment with mixed media pieces. I typically create quite whimsical pieces, I am trying to distance myself from trying to create realistic/hyper-realistic images, so I have been playing with proportion specifically with the size of hands and feet. I have definitely begun the process of pushing myself outside my comfort zone, oftentimes I would shy away from hands, feet and quirky positions overall in the body, but I've started to find a flow that I feel confident in, and in recent pieces I have focused more on the feeling of gestures rather than getting things "right". I have also stopped focusing so heavily on facial features and have invested more time in small lines that fill the body of each figure - though this is a taxing process it is also a lot of fun and the finished piece looks great!
Ceylon Niko Chang
Brooklyn, NY
Instagram: simonikogallery
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